Organisations and Activities
Social Team
We have an enthusiastic and energetic team that plans and delivers social events throughout the year. The team enlist the congregation for help and support. These events can be fellowship or fundraising and are supported by the church family, the local community, and many friends of our congregation. Events include communion brunch or lunch, quiz nights, coffee morning, harvest meal and social, carols for Christmas and many more.
Worship Team-Sunday Evening Services
KTT evening services have been a feature on KTT’s calendar for many years now. These services are led by members of the Worship team on the first Sunday of every month at 6.30pm in Collin Hall from February to June and from September to November. This ‘outreach’ service continues to be very well attended and enjoyed by all. Services tend to be informal, light-hearted in the main, and varied. The evening closes with refreshments and is significant in extending fellowship. KTT Choir and Organist are extremely supportive in leading songs of praise. For anyone who has not yet attended one of these cheerful evenings, we extend a warm welcome. Likewise new faces are most welcome to join the Worship team be it only to do a Bible reading or a poem or even to find out more about it.
Magazine Team
The magazine team consisting of 7 people produce the KTT Church Magazine for distribution in June and December of each year. The magazine is delivered to all church members by their Elders and includes a half yearly church calendar informing members of upcoming “dates for your diary”.
All Committee Convenors report on recent church issues; we have an update of our Church Register with Baptisms, Weddings and Deaths. Members are encouraged to send in articles; these can be anything from a favourite poem/story; local history relating to our area, to an interesting holiday experience. Where possible we like to include a few photographs relating to special events. We are also very grateful to all our local advertisers published in the magazine who help to support us throughout the year. We feel the magazine is a great way of keeping everyone in touch with church life within KTT
Cuppa and Chat
After our Church Services many of the congregation stay and have a cuppa and a chat. This is very much welcomed by everyone and is a great source of fellowship. It is also a great comfort to some of our members who perhaps go home to an empty house afterwards. Any visitors who stay for a cuppa are made to feel very welcome by everyone. We feel this is also a time when we all learn of anyone who is unwell or in hospital or having some other issues; where a visit by our Locum minister or a member of the congregation would be helpful; or the church flowers from the church service will be taken to them to let them know the congregation are thinking about them. It is a time of great togetherness with our members and visitors alike.
KTT Guild
KTT Guild meet every second Wednesday of the month between October and April. We have a wide variety of activities and speakers who come and present to us. It’s a great opportunity to get out in the evening and enjoy learning about new things and having a cuppa and chat with other ladies (and gentlemen) of the church. Anybody is welcome to join the Guild, young, old, male, female, you would be made to feel most welcome.